Breeks over socks or socks over breeks?

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The long shooting socks and breeks combination are one of the most recognisable sights of traditional British Shooting attire, but how should we be wearing them?! Internet research reveals numerous articles from a wide variety of websites with no right or wrong answer! So…..does it matter, is there a right way or wrong way?!
Here at Massy-Birch, along with many keen shots, Sporting Agents, National Gamekeepers, Sporting Editorials… the list goes on…. We are believers that the shooting sock should always be worm over the breeks. Knowing the right way of wearing shooting socks is a key part of the shooting etiquette, wearing these over your breeks will show that you know what’s what when you’re out in the field!
Traditionally, the correct wearing of the shooting sock should always be over the plus-two, plus-four or shooting breeks, regardless of whether it has a buckle, a Velcro strap, or an elasticated bottom. The stocking should be held in place by a garter, neatly tied above the breeks fastener with just an inch or two of the flash showing, then folded down. TIP* Remember, when tying the garter don’t forget to allow your breeks enough slack to not slide up when bending your knee to get over any gate or style. This will stop your breeks from pulling away from your socks.
How do you wear yours, traditional colours in keeping with your tweed and surroundings, or do you go for something that little bit different with some contrasting bright hues and patterns? We would love to hear how you wear yours!

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